19 Reasons to Embrace Live Chat for Your Business

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on August 21, 2021
Use Live Chat For Business

Live chat has become a popular feature for businesses to offer their customers. It’s not surprising that live chat is now the most requested customer service channel by customers, with 69% of them asking for it when they call your company! Live chat can help you provide an improved customer experience and keep your business competitive in today’s market.

Live chat is a great way to engage with customers in real-time and help increase your conversion rates. With these benefits in mind, let’s break down the different ways how live chat can help your business:

Here’s the 19 Reasons to Embrace Live Chat for Your Business


Live chat improves the support experience for customers by

Reducing customer frustration and increasing satisfaction with service delivery

Live chat is a great way to reduce customer frustration and increase satisfaction with service delivery.

Improving response time to requests from customers

If you are a business owner, it is time to embrace live chat. Live customer service has been around for years and continues to be one of the best ways to stay in contact with your customers.

Providing an opportunity for sales representatives to build rapport with potential clients

Sales representatives have found the chat feature to be a great way to build rapport with potential clients. This is because they can answer any questions that come up in real-time and give answers before the client has even had a chance to ask them – an opportunity not available through other communication mediums such as email, forums, etc.

Allowing customers to ask questions without having to wait on hold or be transferred around

You don’t have to wait on hold or be transferred around. Live chat allows you to connect with a customer and answer their questions in real-time, no matter the time of day. Chat history makes it easy for your team members to track previous chats so they can continue resolving issues quickly without having to ask customers about the same information again.

Helping reduce call center costs through increased productivity

While live chat may not be appropriate for every business, it can help reduce call center costs through increased productivity, and it’s an excellent addition for customer service departments that want fast response times.

They are making it easier for customers to find information online.

One of the most important aspects of any business is customer service. Live chat software has made it easier than ever to provide quality customer service and make your customers feel like they matter, even if their question isn’t urgent.

Giving customers more control over their interactions with your company

Because live chat is the only way to provide real-time assistance with a customer’s issue, customers want to do everything from start shopping, check out and contact support, all without ever leaving their browser window.

Enabling you to provide better, faster responses to customers’ inquiries

Live chat eliminates the need to make a phone call or send an email. It provides you with valuable information about your customers’ needs and keeps them engaged in conversations, which increases customer satisfaction. Live chat can be set up on any device (desktop web browsers, mobile devices) and is accessible from anywhere at any time–whether that’s inside of your app or your website.

Encouraging repeat business from satisfied customers

Real-time communication is a great way to grow your business. Live chat is one of the best ways for you to do this!

Live chat saves time: You can provide excellent customer service without having to wait on hold or ask customers to fill out forms that take up their precious time.

Creating opportunities for cross-selling products and services

Live chat can have a massive impact on your business. With live chat, you can do this easily without ever having to leave the website or app!

The great thing about live chat is that it’s a cost-effective way of engaging potential customers when they are most interested in buying products and services from your company.

Enhancing brand awareness among consumers who use live chat as part of their shopping experiences

Live chat is the new wave of customer service channels, increasing in popularity each year among consumers who are accustomed to using it as a means of chatting with friends and family on social media sites like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. The seamless integration between these platforms has created a growing expectation from customers that live chat will be available on the websites they visit.

Live chat is becoming more popular than email and phone calls as a form of contact for customer service inquiries, with 62% of consumers preferring this method over others. This comes mainly from the immediacy benefits that customers receive when interacting in real-time with companies through live chat—unlike other communication mediums out there.

Building trust between companies and their customers

This can be easy, but you can make it a little easier with live chat software. Live chat is an excellent tool for building customer trust and relationships because customers have the opportunity to interact directly with agents who are actively monitoring chats at all times.

Attracting new customers

Live chat is a great way to offer an immediate and personalized response to customers. When you respond quickly with the correct answer or solution in real-time, this can help build trust and loyalty.

Generating leads that can later turn into paying customers

Generating leads is easier said than done, which is why so many companies are turning to live chat software as the go-to way of engaging with potential customers.

Live chat software can be an excellent tool for any business that wants to generate more leads and, in turn, create higher revenue streams through conversations on websites or mobile devices.

Live chat software helps you reduce your customer acquisition costs through conversations with potential customers. The time and money that would otherwise be spent on costly advertising campaigns can instead go toward the more fruitful task of talking to real people interested in what a company has to offer.

Engaging in social media marketing campaigns

Social media campaigns, such as ads, are one of the best ways to promote a business. Social media marketing campaigns can create awareness, drive traffic and establish trust with potential customers.

An influential addition to any social media strategy is live chat features that give website visitors an opportunity for real-time engagement with your company’s representatives at any time, day or night.

Establishing relationships with other businesses

Relationship building is a huge business development opportunity. Live chat is an excellent way to start conversations with potential customers and partners.

You get the most up-to-date information about your industry that you can’t find anywhere else on the internet. All of this makes live chat one of the best ways for businesses to build relationships.

Developing more robust ties with existing customers

If you are a business owner, then it is likely that your customer service strategy does not include live chat.

You may be thinking that there are many reasons to avoid implementing this channel for communication with customers when you can send them an email or call them on the phone. However, the benefits of live chat make it well worth adding to your customer service strategy.

Live chats are affordable to provide quality customer service that can grow into something more with the right contact. Your customers may be hesitant to call or email you when they have a question because it could cost them money.

However, if your live chat is free or low-cost to use for both you and the customer, then it will be easier for customers to ask questions without worrying about the price.

Avoiding lost revenue due to bad phone connections, missed calls, and no-shows.

By enabling live chat, you’ll be able to offer an additional way for customers to contact you to quickly reach a representative who is prepared with answers to their questions about availability or product information. Live chat not only allows your customer service staff the ability to help more people in shorter periods, but it also can increase your bottom line by reducing missed revenue.

Live chat is a great feature for new businesses that are still developing their customer service skills to help build trust with future customers and reduce confusion about products or services. Live chat can be an incredibly effective tool when trying out different marketing campaigns to see the most effective conversion of potential customers into sales.

Live chat also gives you the ability to provide additional support when there are delays or problems with your products and can alleviate many misunderstandings from phone calls.

Customers will be more likely to continue purchasing items if they have an accessible channel for contacting customer service.

Ensuring compliance with government regulations regarding privacy issues is vital for any business.

Regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act restrict how your business can share customer information.
Did you know that live chat software offers a wide range of compliance options? Some examples include:

  • Who can receive notifications about chats, both from within the company and externally (e.g., customers)?
  • How long can chat sessions last?
  • What types of messages are allowed in chats, and what is the maximum message size?
  • Can you store audio or video messages during a chat session (e.g., for customer service)?
  • How much information about your customers’ conversations will be stored on their computers after they have finished chatting with you?
  • Can your customers review and delete their chat sessions at a later time?

If you are not sure about the compliance options for live chat software, we suggest that you do some research.

Live chat helps with customer acquisition and onboarding.

Live chat allows businesses to answer customer questions and concerns in real-time quickly. It also provides a low-cost way for companies to promote their products or services through an interactive experience with customers. Live chat is popular among mobile shoppers, as it enables them to contact customer service while outside of the store.

Live chat is more personal than other forms of communication, making it easier to establish trust with your customers. A live chat session also allows you to assess their needs before they buy anything from you.

The benefits of live chat are most apparent when…

  • there is high demand for your product/service
  • you offer complex solutions
  • you have an online store
  • you want to answer pre-sale questions

Make sure you keep track of all conversations via email or some database system. This will help you ensure that all the talks are logged and referenced if there is a dispute.

Live chat lets your agents build rapport with customers and provide immediate, personalized service.

Communication is faster and easier than emailing or calling to get answers that don’t exist on a FAQ page; this means less time spent on the phone or reading emails for more essential tasks.

Customers appreciate the personal attention from live chat agents who are knowledgeable about their products and services.

Live chat is a great way to grow your business. It’s also an excellent tool for customer service and support.

The best part about live chat, though, is that it can be implemented in minutes by just one person at any time of day or night! This means you don’t have to worry about hiring more staff members who are on the clock at all hours to take calls and answer emails.

We hope you found this article helpful!

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About Rg Enzon

Rg is the founder of Enzon Media.

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