6 Tips on How Website Usability Can Help You Increase Sales

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on July 28, 2021
How Website Usability Can Help You Increase Sales
Your prospects should be able to find the information they need easily and quickly without much effort. You might have noticed that some sites look so chaotic with tons of links thrown all over the place that it becomes difficult to navigate-especially for new visitors.

In this article, we’ll look at what you can do to make your site more usable. We will go everything from designing a layout with fewer distractions to making sure everything is labeled correctly and easy to find.

“When creating a website, how usable your site is will determine if people stay around or leave.”

Guide to Website Usability

Your website may look great and have all the latest technology, but still not be usable. If you want to make sure that your website is easy for anyone to use and, more importantly, keep using it, you need to make sure that your site is usable.

A website with fewer distractions allows your prospects to focus on the content they want to see without getting sidetracked by other elements (like ads). Best website usability practices not only makes your website easier to navigate and more pleasant for visitors as they won’t have unnecessary details to distract them, but it also leads them to spend more time on your website.

6 Tips on How Website Usability Can Help You Increase Sales


Less Clutter

One of the best techniques you can use to make your site easy to navigate is giving each page a clear purpose and ensuring that all elements, from images and text to links and buttons, have a sense and are not just for design purposes.

Use Navigation Elements

When designing your site, use elements like breadcrumbs [visitors can click through to navigate], drop-down menus, or other navigation tools so that visitors can quickly access the information they want without making many clicks.

SEO and Usability

If you have a site with a blog or an online store, be sure that the more popular posts and products are the first to appear on your website because those are the ones people are most likely to look for. Also, make sure that these pages are easily accessible and not buried under too many links.

Avoid Flash

When creating your site, try using HTML so that your website can be used on all browsers. You should only use Flash when it makes sense (like in an online brochure) or if you’re sure most of your visitors will have the flash plug-in installed.

Labels and Instructions

When adding elements to your site, make sure they are labeled correctly because many people may not know what they are or how to use them. You should also offer instructions for things like forms or buttons to ensure that visitors can understand what they need to do with them.

Test Your Site

Once your site is ready, please test it out on various browsers and devices [desktop, laptops, and tablets (iOS, Android)] and ask people around you and friends who don’t usually use the Internet for their opinions. Also, look at how long it takes people to find what they need and whether or not they get lost along the way.

Better Navigation = Better Sales

When creating a website, how usable your site is will determine if people stay around or leave. Suppose you have a site with a blog, an online store, or offering services on your website. In that case, usability is critical because it will determine your sales success. Done correctly, good usability creates a positive experience so that visitors want to return and spend more time browsing through your products or information.

How much does a usable website increase sales? According to a study, “On average, every thousandth of a second of delay costs you 1% in sales”. In other words, if your website is slow, people will leave and buy from someone else. Similarly, usability can be just as crucial for blog visitors because they’re looking for information quickly and easily. You need to deliver it that way.
If your site is challenging to use, visitors will click away and search for the information they need on different websites – while if you make things easy for them, they’ll stay around and buy from you.


If you provide a better service or sell higher quality products than your competitors, usability can be the difference between winning a customer and losing one.

Suppose you have a site with a blog, an online store, or services on your website. In that case, usability is critical because it will determine your sales success. If done correctly, good usability creates a positive experience so that visitors want to return and spend more time browsing through your products or information.

Like everything else in business, your company’s website is there to make a profit. If it fails to do so, then it is not doing its job. A well-designed website with proper usability can help guide your prospects and customers from the moment they land on your site until they complete their purchase.


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About Rg Enzon

Rg is the founder of Enzon Media.

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