What Makes a Great Logo: The 12 Main Things To Consider

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on October 29, 2021
What Makes A Great Logo
Logos are a visual representation of a brand, a personality, or a product.

They should be recognizable and straightforward to be effective, but it’s also important that they can stand the test of time.

Here are 12 things to look for when creating a great logo.

Logos are the fundamental communication tool of any company.

Logos are the first thing that people see when they come to your website, and they must be eye-catching, memorable, and represent your brand.

So, what makes a great logo?

Principles of a Great Logo Design

It is important to remember that the most effective logos are simple and memorable.

A logo should be easily recognizable but also not too complex or confusing.

The purpose of a logo is to convey an idea in as few visual elements as possible, so keep it simple.

Great logos are instantly recognizable. They are memorable and easy to understand.

They communicate your message clearly in a single image. Great logos have great simplicity, which makes them timeless.


Simple, memorable, and instantly recognizable are the three main characteristics of a great logo.

The more difficult it is to decipher, the less likely it will be effective.

It’s also important that your logo is easy to remember and conveys your message clearly in a single image.


A logo is a form of branding.

The first thing people see when they come to your website should be the company’s logo, so it needs to be memorable and recognizable.

Make sure that your design doesn’t have too many elements or elements that are difficult to read.

For example, if your logo comprises several colors, make sure that the colors are not too close to each other, or it will be difficult for people to read.

Also, don’t use more than one color in a single design element because this can be confusing.


Your logo needs to be timeless. This means that it might not need to change, even if the company does.

You should only update your logo when there are significant changes in your business or industry.

For example, if you’re starting a new venture and want to differentiate yourself from your competitors, you should update your logo.

Using a combination of colors and shapes can be effective for creating a logo.

Colors and shapes can evoke different emotions and associations in the viewer’s mind; they can also help create an image that effectively represents your business or product.

For example, if you’re selling flowers, using an image of a flower in your logo will help to convey the message that you sell flowers.

The color red also conveys strength and passion; people associate these positive emotions with your company.

A slogan is usually short and memorable.

It’s usually the name of your company or some other identifying feature.

For example, a slogan for a pizza restaurant might be “Eat Fresh.”

A well-written slogan can help establish a connection with your potential customers and make them feel like they know you already.


A versatile logo can be used in a variety of ways.

For example, if you’re selling apples and oranges, the apple and orange shapes could represent your company’s name.

If you’re starting a new business and want to differentiate yourself from your competitors, you should update your logo.

In addition, you should update your logo if you have a new product or service that will be introduced to the market.

The logo should be simple and easy to remember.


An appropriate logo will communicate the message you want to convey.

For example, if you’re selling flowers, using an image of a flower in your logo will help to convey the message that you sell flowers.

You don’t want a logo with a picture of a clown for a morgue company.

You don’t want a symbol of a man with a giant nose for an insurance company.

Business owners and designers should take the time to create and refine their logos.


A font is the design of letters in a word.

There are several types of fonts: serif, sans serif, script, and decorative.

Serif fonts are those that have trim lines at the end of each letter.

Sans-serif fonts are those that don’t have these trim lines at the end of each letter.

Script fonts are created by writing letters without connecting them.

Decorative fonts are those that have little or no meaning at all but look pretty.

Fonts can be handy in helping to convey a message to your customers and creating an appealing appearance for your logo.

For example, using different font styles can help to make your logo more attractive.

You can also use fonts to create different effects on your logo.


Colors are used to create a certain mood, feeling, or style.

In general, you want your logo to have a bright and appealing color, so it will be easily recognizable when people see it.

For example, if you’re selling flowers for Valentine’s Day, you might use a bright red color to create an appealing logo.

Your logo should be easy for people to remember and recognize, so using easily recognizable colors is very important.

You can use colors to create a feeling or mood in your logo.

Another example, if you’re selling flowers for Christmas, you might use red and green together to create an appealing appearance.

White Space

White space is the space between your logo and any text or words it’s used with.

It’s very important to use white space in your logo to make it more attractive, which means people will want to buy from you.

Your logo should be easy to see and recognize, so using white space is very important.

For example, if you’re selling flowers for Valentine’s Day, you might use white space to create an appealing appearance.

You can also use colors in your logo instead of the distance between letters or words it’s used with.

Using color in your logo can make it more attractive and memorable, which means people will want to buy from you.

Fonts, colors, and white space are important when creating a good-looking logo for your business.


Distinction is the way your logo stands out from other logos.

Your logo should be easily recognizable, so using a distinct color or font can help it stand out from other logos.


Relevance is the way your logo relates to your business.

You want people to remember and recognize your logo, so using a relevant color or font can help it relate to your business.

Your logos should be easily recognizable, so using a relevant color or font can help them relate to your business.

You want people to remember and recognize your logo, so using a repeated color or font can help it be easily recognizable.

For example, if you’re selling pet supplies for dogs and cats, you might use a color that’s also used on the packaging of your products.

To create an appealing appearance, you can use different colors or fonts to help your logo stand out from other logos.


A simple logo can help you stand out.

Logos do not necessarily need to have all the bells and whistles. A simple yet elegant logo would do.

To create an appealing appearance, you can use different colors or fonts to help your logo stand out from other logos.

While using the same color in all of your business cards and flyers is unnecessary, but it’s a good idea because people will recognize that they are connected to your business.

A clear logo is more appealing than a cluttered one.

Avoid using too many colors or fonts in your logo, making it harder to read and look messy.


Your logo should be easily recognizable, so using a distinct color or font can help it stand out from other logos.

You want people to remember and recognize your logo, so using a relevant color or font can help it relate to your business.

The colors you choose for your logo should be easily recognizable, so using a relevant color or font can help it relate to your business.

For example, if you’re selling pet supplies for dogs and cats, you might use a color that’s also used on the packaging of your products.

To create an appealing appearance, you can use different colors or fonts to help your logo stand out from other logos.

How much does it cost to have a logo made?

The average cost to have a logo made is between $300 and $15,00.

The cost to have a logo made can vary greatly depending on the complexity of your design, so it’s best to contact an in-house designer or one who specializes in logo design for more accurate pricing information.

Another factor to consider (and arguably the most important), is the quality of the logo.

While having a logo made is an investment, it will pay off in the long run.

In addition to creating a logo for your business, you can also make logos for your products or services.

A logo is a critical element of your brand identity.

It’s the first thing people see and, in many cases, the last thing they remember.

Your logo is your company’s calling card.

To make sure it stands out from the competition, you need to create something memorable and unique.

You have a few choices to make when it comes to creating your logo.

For starters, you need to determine the type of logo you want.

There are three main types of logos: wordmark, logotype, and symbol.

Wordmarks are the most common logo form and consist of a text-based word or phrase that’s often seen as part of a company name or slogan.

Logotypes are similar to wordmarks but use symbols instead of words for their design.

Finally, symbols can be used as either logotypes or wordmarks depending on how they’re designed and implemented to represent something else (such as a company’s name).

As you can see, there are many different ways to create a logo. All in all, a logo is a unique and valuable asset to your business.

Contact us today to discuss your web design and visual brand identity needs.

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About Rg Enzon

Rg is the founder of Enzon Media.

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